miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Find a single adjective to describe your time management

Organized: is the adjective that describe my time management.

What are the time robbers that keep you from accomplishing your objectives?

  • My teammates they are a big distraction while i work

What can you do to eliminate or reduce these situations?

I can focus on my goals and I have to try to avoid distractors in order to increase efficiency and productivity.

What roles do you play in life (both professionally and personally)?

Roles in my life professionally i study a third language  online and also in my work we receive trainings in order to improve our skills .

Personally: Role that I play in life personally is that am very positive in all the aspects in my life I try to be an example for my daughter.

I am very happy on the way i handle the roles in my life.

What matters to you?

    • I want to finish my college degree in laws pretty soon  ,
    • what makes me completely happy is the straight to wake up every day and to be able to see the sun light that is a privilege that very few have.
    • What motivates you? my daughter motivates me every day she is my reason in life 

You as a Customer:

a)The last time that i complain about a bad service was 2 months ago and was to Claro due to a slow internet service.

b)The CSR that assist me was not very helpful I had to find a way to fix my own issue 

c) I was not satisfied with the poor service that I receive

d)  No in my case I would try harder to troubleshoot on my cell phone in order to get a solution

company service standards

Our company service standards are based on the following values



Deffinetly we can always improve our service and that is one of our top motivations 

on my personal opinion  we could add also team work in our service standards 

Moments of truth in your business

What is a ‘Moment of Truth’?

A ‘moment of truth’ is simply a time that a customer:
  • Interacts with our business
  • Makes a decision as a result
  • Has an emotional reaction of some kind
These moments of truth may occur multiple times, such as:
  • Using your website for the first time
  • Signing up for a product or service
  • Paying for a product or service
  • Receiving / using a product or service
Moments of truth are important because they have an emotional impact on our customers, whether that’s of satisfaction, frustration, happiness or anger.

b) How to do we manage these moments of truth?

We handle the moments of truth by showing our clients that we are leaders in our industry and also that we know how to address  any question  from our customers