miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Find a single adjective to describe your time management

Organized: is the adjective that describe my time management.

What are the time robbers that keep you from accomplishing your objectives?

  • My teammates they are a big distraction while i work

What can you do to eliminate or reduce these situations?

I can focus on my goals and I have to try to avoid distractors in order to increase efficiency and productivity.

What roles do you play in life (both professionally and personally)?

Roles in my life professionally i study a third language  online and also in my work we receive trainings in order to improve our skills .

Personally: Role that I play in life personally is that am very positive in all the aspects in my life I try to be an example for my daughter.

I am very happy on the way i handle the roles in my life.

What matters to you?

    • I want to finish my college degree in laws pretty soon  ,
    • what makes me completely happy is the straight to wake up every day and to be able to see the sun light that is a privilege that very few have.
    • What motivates you? my daughter motivates me every day she is my reason in life 

You as a Customer:

a)The last time that i complain about a bad service was 2 months ago and was to Claro due to a slow internet service.

b)The CSR that assist me was not very helpful I had to find a way to fix my own issue 

c) I was not satisfied with the poor service that I receive

d)  No in my case I would try harder to troubleshoot on my cell phone in order to get a solution

company service standards

Our company service standards are based on the following values



Deffinetly we can always improve our service and that is one of our top motivations 

on my personal opinion  we could add also team work in our service standards 

Moments of truth in your business

What is a ‘Moment of Truth’?

A ‘moment of truth’ is simply a time that a customer:
  • Interacts with our business
  • Makes a decision as a result
  • Has an emotional reaction of some kind
These moments of truth may occur multiple times, such as:
  • Using your website for the first time
  • Signing up for a product or service
  • Paying for a product or service
  • Receiving / using a product or service
Moments of truth are important because they have an emotional impact on our customers, whether that’s of satisfaction, frustration, happiness or anger.

b) How to do we manage these moments of truth?

We handle the moments of truth by showing our clients that we are leaders in our industry and also that we know how to address  any question  from our customers 

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

Acts that promote Empathetic Communications

Empathy is the ability to see the world as another person, to share and understand another person’s feelings, needs, concerns and/or emotional state, we need to  listen carefully to the person that express their opinion

Positive areas that I have is that I am very patient  with everybody and I take the time to listen to the other persons emotions, one of my areas of opportunity is that some times I tend to just act before thinking I need to analyze the situation before acting.

Difference between Leadership and Manipulation

Both can be defined as influencing others. Both deal with trying to get someone to do what you want them to do. Both use many of the same tools. Both try to leverage an individual’s beliefs and feelings to elicit a desired behavior

When your leadership is infested with selfishness, it’s easy to become a manipulator. Sometimes this is subtle; sometimes it’s obvious. Either way, when leadership morphs into manipulation, people and organizations suffer


5 assertive rights

  1. Respect yourself
  2. Be yourself
  3. Choose your own priorities
  4. Express your feelings without getting personal
  5. Be understood
I am entitled to make decisions which respect our sense of identity and purpose, It is common, and acceptable, for people to disagree with each other. If i disagree with someone’s comments or behaviours, i have the right to express my disagreement. As long as i don´t make it personal

Types of self-esteem

"Self-esteem" is often synonymous with "self image," but that's not really what self-esteem is. Positive self-image is important -- it's caring about yourself and seeing yourself as a unique individual simply because of who you are as a human being. Self-esteem is a positive sense of one's own worth that is based on actually doing worthy things
  • High self-esteem (Normal): The person loves themselves and accepts who they are.
  • Low self-esteem: The person doesn’t love themselves, doesn’t accept who they are and doesn’t value their qualities.
  • Inflated self-esteem: The person loves themselves more than others and they exaggerate their qualities.

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Personal experience Customer Service

I had a customer  one time that called very frustrated because he had a problem with his internet service, this customer called in about five times during the day and no one was able to help him , i showed empathy and i gave my 110 %. escalated his report, i ask for assistance with the supervisor in charge; after one hour, i was able to call him back to inform him that his service was fully restored and he was very thankful that i was able to help him regarding his issue.

Importance of non-verbal communication.

It is quite usual to forget about many aspects of non-verbal communication when hearing this notion. In fact, what comes to mind immediately are body gestures or facial expressions. However, there are many more aspects.

Non-verbal communication consists of all the messages other than words that are used in communication. In oral communication, these symbolic messages are transferred by means of intonation, tone of voice, vocally produced noises, body posture, body gestures, facial expressions or pauses

Type of Customers

                                                                          Interactive Customer

Negative Aspects:              Impulsive, emotional, disordered.

Handling Conflicts:             Convince

If you allow him to explain, he will allow you to negotiate. He frequently accepts solutions.
He listens and understands the justifications given, however, he can take advantage of that situation.
He is a customer with a lot of influences and always obtains solutions. You should find the solution